The beliefs we adopt and call our own are the root cause of our resistance to light, love, and life.
Every person assesses the world and their life experiences through the filters of individual perception. Our perceptions are shaped by our beliefs and attitudes about life, based on our personal history: our family training, culture, education, relationships and experiences. If we've been taught fear-based beliefs and selfish attitudes, we'll encounter obstacles on our path towards making spiritual progress. These obstacles are largely beliefs and attitudes having to do with what we perceive to be true and real about ourselves and the circumstances of our lives.
When we're struggling against the natural flow of life, there is usually one reason for our resistance: what is being presented to us in the moment is not in agreement with what wethink or feel should be happening based on our belief-related expectations. The more we resist, the more painful a situation becomes. Have you noticed?
In chapter 5, "Meditation," I shared my sister's concerns about feeling lifted out of her body whenever she meditated. Her expectation had been to achieve peace and serenity, as this is what meditation promises. Being treated to a higher vibrational light bath was not in her programming, and her fear posed resistance to the gift she was being offered.
Trust, faith and acceptance enable us to release our fears, judgments, and internal resistances to allow circumstances to unfold in the flow of divine order.
I myself was plagued with feelings of unworthiness for much of my adult life. No matter how hard I prayed or how long I meditated, I didn't believe, in the depths of my being, that I was worthy of having my prayers answered. This form of resistance is sure to sabotage any effort to receive the best that life has to offer, or even to have a simple prayer fulfilled.
Spirit guided me to practice self-forgiveness as well as forgiveness of others. I couldn't love myself and feel worthy of our Creator's gifts until I was able to forgive myself for creating such unhappiness in my life. I did a lot of work on forgiveness, with a great deal of success, but I still felt something was missing. I felt better about myself and about life in general, but self-love still eluded me. I was missing the key to self-worth.
Louise Hay promotes self-love through mirror talk. The technique is to stand in front of the mirror, meet your own eyes in the reflection, and proclaim your love to yourself. This isn't as easy as it sounds, because in order for it to be effective you have to believe the words you're saying. I was a tough nut to crack, but I was determined. I practiced and practiced mirror talk over an extended period until I finally believed. I cried in relief. The fact that I never let myself off the hook, never gave up - that I kept trying over time - demonstrated to me that I was absolutely worthy of my own love.
Listed below are three of the most common obstacles to making successful spiritual connections. Fear, doubt, and unworthiness are emotions derived from unbalanced beliefs that need to be honestly assessed and corrected if we are to become spiritually well balanced. Once false beliefs are addressed, they must be healed in order for us to most fully embrace our spiritual nature.
Fear: It's so common to experience uncertainty and fear when confronting the unknown world of Spirit. The most prevalent fear is loss of control. In this case, we should consider the truthful perspective that all of existence is the expression of our Creator's Spirit. As we expand our awareness to encompass the spiritual aspects in all of life, we become more empowered to effect positive change in our lives; instead of losing control, we gain control.
Most of us have been deprived of the spiritual nature of our being and taught to focus almost entirely on the material aspects of life. Now, as we open our minds and hearts to expanded truths about the nature of our world, we are freed to explore the infinite possibilities of nature, the universe, and life as a spiritual being in what only seems to be a purely material world. Our old beliefs and programs are shattered and restructured by our explorations and experiences in Spirit, proving our initial fears groundless.
Doubt: As beginners on this path, it is common to doubt the guidance we receive. When we ask for assistance, it may take moments, days or weeks to receive clear guidance in response. When it comes, we aren't sure that the words of wisdom coming into our thoughts are a message from spirit guidance or our imagination. "This isn't real," we think. "It must be my own mind, or just a coincidence that has brought this thought into my head." Trust that this concern will be short-lived. With experience and consistency, you will gain the confidence you need to act on your guidance and be certain of a positive outcome. It is not the words in this book that will convince you. It is your own experience of the heart, mind, and soul that will make a believer of you.
Unworthiness: A lot of us feel unworthy of receiving special attention from God and the angels. This is especially true if we're carrying around guilt and regret for being far less than a perfect human being. We may, indeed, still have karma to clear and debts to pay. If we are feeling undeserving of experiencing the best that life has to offer, it is a sign that forgiveness is needed for ourselves and others.
The good news is that God and your angels and spirit guides know you are worthy in spite of all your imperfections. Spirit knows all of our secrets and most dastardly deeds; these truly don't matter on any worthiness scale. The only thing holding us back from receiving the gift of miracles is our own feelings of unworthiness.
Feelings of unworthiness are a form of resistance; they keep all of our desires and dreams out of arms reach and prevent us from raising our vibrations high enough to receive the gifts of love and guidance coming to us from Spirit.
Ask the angels for guidance and you will be directed to find just what is needed to begin healing your beliefs and attitudes. Every child of God, even the non-believer, is gifted with devoted angels and spirit guides waiting in the wings for your call for help!
Every person assesses the world and their life experiences through the filters of individual perception. Our perceptions are shaped by our beliefs and attitudes about life, based on our personal history: our family training, culture, education, relationships and experiences. If we've been taught fear-based beliefs and selfish attitudes, we'll encounter obstacles on our path towards making spiritual progress. These obstacles are largely beliefs and attitudes having to do with what we perceive to be true and real about ourselves and the circumstances of our lives.
When we're struggling against the natural flow of life, there is usually one reason for our resistance: what is being presented to us in the moment is not in agreement with what wethink or feel should be happening based on our belief-related expectations. The more we resist, the more painful a situation becomes. Have you noticed?
In chapter 5, "Meditation," I shared my sister's concerns about feeling lifted out of her body whenever she meditated. Her expectation had been to achieve peace and serenity, as this is what meditation promises. Being treated to a higher vibrational light bath was not in her programming, and her fear posed resistance to the gift she was being offered.
Trust, faith and acceptance enable us to release our fears, judgments, and internal resistances to allow circumstances to unfold in the flow of divine order.
I myself was plagued with feelings of unworthiness for much of my adult life. No matter how hard I prayed or how long I meditated, I didn't believe, in the depths of my being, that I was worthy of having my prayers answered. This form of resistance is sure to sabotage any effort to receive the best that life has to offer, or even to have a simple prayer fulfilled.
Spirit guided me to practice self-forgiveness as well as forgiveness of others. I couldn't love myself and feel worthy of our Creator's gifts until I was able to forgive myself for creating such unhappiness in my life. I did a lot of work on forgiveness, with a great deal of success, but I still felt something was missing. I felt better about myself and about life in general, but self-love still eluded me. I was missing the key to self-worth.
Louise Hay promotes self-love through mirror talk. The technique is to stand in front of the mirror, meet your own eyes in the reflection, and proclaim your love to yourself. This isn't as easy as it sounds, because in order for it to be effective you have to believe the words you're saying. I was a tough nut to crack, but I was determined. I practiced and practiced mirror talk over an extended period until I finally believed. I cried in relief. The fact that I never let myself off the hook, never gave up - that I kept trying over time - demonstrated to me that I was absolutely worthy of my own love.
Listed below are three of the most common obstacles to making successful spiritual connections. Fear, doubt, and unworthiness are emotions derived from unbalanced beliefs that need to be honestly assessed and corrected if we are to become spiritually well balanced. Once false beliefs are addressed, they must be healed in order for us to most fully embrace our spiritual nature.
Fear: It's so common to experience uncertainty and fear when confronting the unknown world of Spirit. The most prevalent fear is loss of control. In this case, we should consider the truthful perspective that all of existence is the expression of our Creator's Spirit. As we expand our awareness to encompass the spiritual aspects in all of life, we become more empowered to effect positive change in our lives; instead of losing control, we gain control.
Most of us have been deprived of the spiritual nature of our being and taught to focus almost entirely on the material aspects of life. Now, as we open our minds and hearts to expanded truths about the nature of our world, we are freed to explore the infinite possibilities of nature, the universe, and life as a spiritual being in what only seems to be a purely material world. Our old beliefs and programs are shattered and restructured by our explorations and experiences in Spirit, proving our initial fears groundless.
Doubt: As beginners on this path, it is common to doubt the guidance we receive. When we ask for assistance, it may take moments, days or weeks to receive clear guidance in response. When it comes, we aren't sure that the words of wisdom coming into our thoughts are a message from spirit guidance or our imagination. "This isn't real," we think. "It must be my own mind, or just a coincidence that has brought this thought into my head." Trust that this concern will be short-lived. With experience and consistency, you will gain the confidence you need to act on your guidance and be certain of a positive outcome. It is not the words in this book that will convince you. It is your own experience of the heart, mind, and soul that will make a believer of you.
Unworthiness: A lot of us feel unworthy of receiving special attention from God and the angels. This is especially true if we're carrying around guilt and regret for being far less than a perfect human being. We may, indeed, still have karma to clear and debts to pay. If we are feeling undeserving of experiencing the best that life has to offer, it is a sign that forgiveness is needed for ourselves and others.
The good news is that God and your angels and spirit guides know you are worthy in spite of all your imperfections. Spirit knows all of our secrets and most dastardly deeds; these truly don't matter on any worthiness scale. The only thing holding us back from receiving the gift of miracles is our own feelings of unworthiness.
Feelings of unworthiness are a form of resistance; they keep all of our desires and dreams out of arms reach and prevent us from raising our vibrations high enough to receive the gifts of love and guidance coming to us from Spirit.
Ask the angels for guidance and you will be directed to find just what is needed to begin healing your beliefs and attitudes. Every child of God, even the non-believer, is gifted with devoted angels and spirit guides waiting in the wings for your call for help!